import java.util.*; public class ArrayListExamples { public static void main(String args[]) { // Creating an empty array list ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); // Adding items to arrayList list.add("Item1"); list.add("Item2"); list.add(2, "Item3"); // it will add Item3 to the third position of // array list list.add("Item4"); // Display the contents of the array list System.out.println("The arraylist contains the following elements: " + list); // Checking index of an item int pos = list.indexOf("Item2"); System.out.println("The index of Item2 is: " + pos); // Checking if array list is empty boolean check = list.isEmpty(); System.out.println("Checking if the arraylist is empty: " + check); // Getting the size of the list int size = list.size(); System.out.println("The size of the list is: " + size); // Checking if an element is included to the list boolean element = list.contains("Item5"); System.out .println("Checking if the arraylist contains the object Item5: " + element); // Getting the element in a specific position String item = list.get(0); System.out.println("The item is the index 0 is: " + item); // Retrieve elements from the arraylist // 1st way: loop using index and size list System.out.println("Retrieving items with loop using index and size list"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { System.out.println("Index: " + i + " - Item: " + list.get(i)); } // 2nd way:using foreach loop System.out.println("Retrieving items using foreach loop"); for (String str : list) { System.out.println("Item is: " + str); } // 3rd way:using iterator // hasNext(): returns true if there are more elements // next(): returns the next element System.out.println("Retrieving items using iterator"); for (Iterator<String> it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { System.out.println("Item is: " +; } // Replacing an element list.set(1, "NewItem"); System.out.println("The arraylist after the replacement is: " + list); // Removing items // removing the item in index 0 list.remove(0); // removing the first occurrence of item "Item3" list.remove("Item3"); System.out.println("The final contents of the arraylist are: " + list); // Converting ArrayList to Array String[] simpleArray = list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); System.out.println("The array created after the conversion of our arraylist is: " + Arrays.toString(simpleArray)); } }
The arraylist contains the following elements: [Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4]
The index of Item2 is: 1
Checking if the arraylist is empty: false
The size of the list is: 4
Checking if the arraylist contains the object Item5: false
The item is the index 0 is: Item1
Retrieving items with loop using index and size list
Index: 0 - Item: Item1
Index: 1 - Item: Item2
Index: 2 - Item: Item3
Index: 3 - Item: Item4
Retrieving items using foreach loop
Item is: Item1
Item is: Item2
Item is: Item3
Item is: Item4
Retrieving items using iterator
Item is: Item1
Item is: Item2
Item is: Item3
Item is: Item4
The arraylist after the replacement is: [Item1, NewItem, Item3, Item4]
The final contents of the arraylist are: [NewItem, Item4]
The array created after the conversion of our arraylist is: [NewItem, Item4]